Hi everyone! If you are a new visitor, please read here first: In Defense of Elizabeth Lambert

It's a detailed article, not a soundbyte. But if you really take the time to read it you might find that your whole opinion changes. Cheers!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Show Your Support!

 Hey, so this section is really the key point of why I started this site.

The hatred and vitriol that has been directed at Elizabeth Lambert is so insane, and so disproportionate -- it's wrong.  It's wrong when you put it in your heart to hate this girl.  She is just a twenty year old college girl who was involved in a rough game of soccer.  Maybe she was the worst player in that game, but you know what?  That does nothing to justify the hate and vitriol that has been directed at her in the media and all over the Internet.

When I saw the famous video, sure I noticed the fouls, but I also noticed a lot of positive things.  Positive things about the girl who was supposed to be a villain.  I noticed how athletic she was, how sharp and beautiful her tackles were, how passionately she played the game -- with all of her heart.  I noticed that even in her fouls, she was an honest player, not hiding anything, not trying to con the ref.


Hey folks, I know you've been waiting in anticipation of the gallery, and I hope this won't disappoint.  These are just some graphics I've created to support Elizabeth, or photos I have edited a little bit.  Most of the photos come from golobos.com.  There are more photos of Elizabeth there, and you can order high quality prints from them, which I highly reccomend.  Go here to look through their photos and order prints!  (Who doesn't need a framed photo of Elizabeth on their wall?  There should be one in every home in America!)  :)

Here's a wallpaper I made, showing what a beautiful girl this is that everyone has been hating on:

(click for full size)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Three reasons...

Three reasons why Elizabeth Lambert is the most exciting soccer player to watch:

How to view the famous smear video in slow motion...

In my "In Defense of Elizabeth Lambert" post I talk about slowing the video down and watching it carefully.  Everyone might not know how to do this, so here is a little bit of Internet wizardry for you that might come in handy in life:


Hi folks!  This post is for links about Elizabeth Lambert, and especially ones in support of her.  Please send me any links you have of websites or articles that have come out to defend Elizabeth against the drive-by media lynching.

Monday, November 16, 2009

In Defense of Elizabeth Lambert

Regarding the BYU v. New Mexico game on Nov. 5, 2009:

(You can watch the famous smear video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4Piuuqqs10 )

To begin with, let's state the obvious: Lambert should have been given a red card in this game and been sent off. No one is arguing that fact! Lambert went over the line and should have been removed from the game.


There is a big difference between a soccer player who should have been sent off the field (red card), which happens routinely in competetive soccer, and a soccer player who merits the drive-by media lynching that has been directed at Lambert in the aftermath of the BYU v. New Mexico game! This was a rough game in which there were many fouls on and off the ball. The first actual blow struck, judging from the video available, was a hard elbow thrown unexpectedly to Lambert's sternum by BYU #7. The officiating team (which includes the head referee and both linesmen, who are supposed to signal fouls off the ball or fouls that the referee has not seen) displayed a complete and total lack of competence in losing control of the game from the very beginning, refusing to punish or sanction players for fouling and just letting the rough play slide. In this kind of game it is the role of the defensive "hard man" of the team, which is usually a central defender or defensive midfielder, to take on the part of "enforcer" and really get rough with opponents who are dishing out fouls in order to keep the team from getting injured and run over. This "enforcer" is an important role in any competetive soccer team, where play is often rough and injuries are common, and this "enforcer" role was the role that Elizabeth Lambert played for New Mexico! The game was out of control, the play was very rough, there were fouls going back and forth -- it was Elizabeth Lambert's job to be the "hard man" in this situation, and that's what she did! She played fiercely and did her job, shutting down the BYU offense (which scored only one unimpressive goal from an awkward header) and keeping New Mexico in the game physically by preventing the BYU fouls and rough stuff from rolling her team over. And if she gave a little better than she got then she should not be hated for it; it is not her fault for being the fiercest player on the field, in fact that means she was mainly guilty of doing her job TOO WELL.

The role of the officiating team in this situation should not be underestimated. For anyone who watches a lot of professional soccer (not including MLS), you will know that when the refs refuse to call fouls and sanction rough play the game will quickly degenerate into a brawl. This is when fist fights often occur in the men's game, not only at the professional, but even at the recreational level! If the players are not protected then they have to protect themselves. The principle is a simple one, it is what my favorite professional player, Robin van Persie of Arsenal FC, said once when teams used to always try to foul Arsenal out of the game and shut them down with rough play.  When asked about it, Van Persie said, "Of course, other teams will be rough and try to keep us from playing, but the first thing I learned when I came here is that when they play you agressive you have to play them back double agressive."


Let me break this highlight reel down frame by frame showing all of the famous fouls that Lambert has been demonized for, and showing why they have been made out to be much worse than they really were. And let's also remember from the outset that this highlight reel focuses only on Elizabeth Lambert and the fouls that she committed during the game, only the fouls of Elizabeth Lambert have been highlighted, the fouls of all the other players during that game have been ignored! Sure when you take a really rough, hard fought soccer match where the refs abdicate control completely and just let the players fight, and then you take the defensive "enforcer" of one team and focus only on that player's fouls and ignore everything else that happened in the game, then that one player is going to look pretty bad. Of course if you take one soccer player, focus on the roughest game they have ever been involved in, focus only on the fouls that one player committed during that game and ignore everything that all the other players did, then that one player will look pretty mean! But to single one player out like that is totally unfair! Even in the highlights reel of Elizabeth Lambert's fouls we can see multiple nasty fouls committed against her without provocation, and it is hard to imagine that these fouls are the only ones committed by BYU players during the 90 minutes of play! Two quite bad fouls AGAINST Elizabeth Lambert (one a straight red card according to the rules, the other AT LEAST a mandatory yellow) "coincidentally" happened during the 45 seconds or so of highlight showing how "bad" Elizabeth was.  Obviously there were many more fouls in this game that were not shown because they did not reflect the story of "bad" Elizabeth Lambert.

Let's break the video down on a case by case, frame by frame basis:


The rough stuff begins when BYU #7 suddenly and without provocation elbows Lambert in the sternum:

This might not seem like a big deal to some, but you can actually do a lot of damage elbowing a person unexpectedly like this. I personally had my sternum broken during a soccer match from a similar elbow to this one. If you watch the video slowly you will see the muscles on #7's neck bulge out as she throws the elbow, she is obviously putting a lot of force into it!

And from watching Lambert's face when she gets hit with the elbow you can see that it hurt a lot:

Saturday, November 14, 2009


EDIT:  For people who don't read, let me state once again:  I MAKE NO MONEY FROM ANY OF THESE SALES!  (more detail below)  Also, you will notice that I don't have any ads on this site.  There is no possible way I can profit from this, nor do I want to.  I am just spending some of my free time working on this project to try to right a little bit of the wrong that has been done to Elizabeth Lambert by the media witch hunt (remember what a witch hunt is: whenever something goes wrong you have to single out ONE woman and everyone attack her together, this is the way morons have always handled their emotions and attempted to solve the problems in society).  As for others, it might be fun to throw stones and hate, but as for me it is hard to sit by and watch it.  Don't be so quick to throw the first stone, even if you think that's what you're best at. 

Friday, November 13, 2009

First Post!

Hello everyone,

This is a fan blog dedicated to Elizabeth Lambert, the New Mexico soccer player. We are absolutely disgusted that Elizabeth has been singled out and demonized in the media, and want to recognize her as a fierce defender and beautiful young woman who is worthy of admiration and respect. Most serious soccer players have been involved in a rough game or two, of course if you take only the highlight video of the fouls that one player committed in their most rough game that they have ever played then they will end up looking pretty vicious, but to do so is an innacurate picture of reality and grossly unfair!

My first thought when I saw the famous video highlights of Elizabeth Lambert versus BYU, was that "I want that girl on my team!" Of course Lambert went over the line in this game, but her commitment and will to win shone above everything else. Even in the videos of Elizabeth Lambert's "bad" behavior during that game, there are several dirty fouls committed against her by the BYU players, and it is really sad to see that these players have been portrayed as innocent victims of the supposedly horrible Elizabeth Lambert. Lambert is not horrible, she is great! She got a bit carried away in one game that was totally out of hand and uncontrolled by the ref, this has happened to millions of soccer players all over the world, and probably to every soccer player who is fiercely competetive. Lambert is being unfairly singled out and punished for being a woman who competed fiercely and without reserve. From my point of view women should be encouraged to compete just as fiercely as men do, but in Lambert's case we see a pathetic double standard being applied.

There will be more content here soon, but for now just a few links:

Lambert's New Mexico bio page: http://www.golobos.com/sports/w-soccer/mtt/lambert_elizabeth00.html

The famous highlights video which focuses only on Elizabeth Lambert's fouls and nobody else's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4Piuuqqs10


In conclusion, do we even need to point out how beautiful Elizabeth Lambert is? This is the real reason why her video has become so popular, and don't think we didn't take notice. What a babe!

You can contact the author of this blog at elizabethlambertfan @ gmail . com (take out the spaces!).